Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A friendly hello and an even friendlier welcome!

Hello readers and fellow upper crust aspirants!

I've started this blog to review some of my favorite high-end products and other supposed luxury items that I've accumulated or use, items like bags or beauty products, respectively. I may even dwelve into products or items that are unfamiliar to me and share these ideas as well.

Some additional information:

My blog title is The Enigmatic Sartorialist, which I chose because I feel like it completely captures the type of person I am when it comes to fashionable apparel. I feel I am a sartorialist, not only because I'm interested in the quality and unique elements that make up fashion (either current or from the past), but my occupation requires me to increasingly learn about fabrics involved in the textile and merchandising industry. 
So along with my reviews, I may even start composing informational posts on the many staples and fixtures that form the base for the textile industry.

My blog address is called abovetheparvenue because I think it is a bold statement made to counter the classist and judgemental assumptions and barriers that subtly (and not so subtly at times) pervade the social arena. As an American, I was taught that if I worked hard enough, I would be able to achieve whatever I wanted to (physical or mental restrictions aside). If the passion was there and the ground work was done, the supposed path to elevate oneself towards one's goal(s) would be possible, or at least the path would emerge akin to a staircase to the highest tower. Of course, hard work involves not only physical and mental elements, but also resourceful elements. To be resourceful is to build a foundation from whatever or whomever is within your immediate grasp so you can gain knowledge, gain advice, gain a support system, gain advocates or those that want you to succeed, et al., and consequently benefit from all these elements so you can move on to the next level. Each subsequent level is done primarily the same way, but the past resources still remain with you. Sounds pretty easy, huh? Well, I guess that is what our American forefathers meant when they declared that it was the right of the people to not only have life and liberty, but also have the freedom to pursue that which makes us happy.

Unfortunately, in these rough economic times along with a balance shift that created an unfair system, both which stealthily took over, the right that an ordinary citizen is entitled to better oneself through the standard means has been tarnished. Now one can take all the necessary steps to ensure success (in almost a karmic way), but it is still no guarantee that one will reach that point. And then when one reaches that point, the above mentioned pervading concepts that emerge, for example as the definition of parvenu dictates: one can reach that respectful and honorary position but have no respect from one's peers and outsiders that are determined to suppress one's level of success. And this only based on where the individual started (in terms of social status and means), thus not considering everything else that contributed to that same individual in reaching such a pinnacle point with barriers that perhaps the one's that began at a higher level would not, or do not have. Isn't that occurrence the root of what separates the enigmatic from the ordinary, the ones that have lasting legacies compared to the ones that are handed success   on a silver platter?

To go along with the above, the ability to even reach that level has now been compromised.  Now it's common that one will not have the satisfaction and the promise of acquiring  success* as one is warranted to achieve, even if one not only follows the steps I've presented above, but gone beyond that to ensure infallibility. Suddenly, neither experience nor history can prevent the push that leads you to fall, regardless of whatever skills, experience, knowledge or resources that would otherwise make you an exemplary member of society and  a contributing member to your choice industry/area of interest.

So to counter this setback that I'm sure more are now aware of personally than those that are not, I have named my blog as such to fight against this barrier. I am above this assumed parvenue and so are you. Not only will I do my part to deserve what I desire, but once getting there, I will not succumb to   being apathetic, but remain viligant against the classist and suppressive push that threatens the very rights that ordinary people possess.

Now that I've explained myself through a rather long-winded essay, I do want to provide the elements that you, the reader, will find in this blog:

* product reviews (luxury goods, cosmetics, novels and more)

* informational posts (mainly textile elements)

*political and other newsworthy opinions

*tips and resources I'm willing to share

*other interesting areas that I may slip in, like recipes or diy crafts

So thanks for reading this far and I hope you join me on this new path that I'm about to take.

Sincere salutations,


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